Sliding Window Grill Design Mistake to Avoid

If you plan to use sliding windows in your building, you might be checking sliding window grill designs…

Here, I won’t share a sliding window grill design collection. Instead, I will share the design I picked and used in my building. More importantly, the thing you need to remember regarding WELDING.

I made the same mistake… But corrected as soon as I came to know about the mistake. When I learned, we already had a ground-floor window grill ready. So we continued with the mistake on the ground floor and fixed the mistake on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors.

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Parking mistake…

Today, I was going on a bike to withdraw cash to give to our maid. I was watching houses while going…

I don’t understand one thing.

That thing I’m not going to reveal here. It’s precious and important, which is not worth revealing here.

It’s reserved for our Paid members.

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When one of our CCTV cameras didn’t work

A few days back, my brother and I installed CCTV cameras that we bought during this Amazon big billion sale.

Installation was also over.

When we switched on the DVR, we noticed out of 10 cameras, 3 cameras were not working.

Again, my brother attempted to fix the issue; out of those 3 cameras, 2 started working, and 1 camera had some issues.

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item req’d from building contractor for housewarming function

We recently finished our housewarming function.

I remembered one point I need to mention in the Building contractor guide.

You need these items from your building contractor till the housewarming function is over.

Sometimes, your contractor takes these items as soon as the work is over if you don’t ask them to keep them.

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How Not to Spoil the Front Elevation Look

Yesterday, again, we went to Chickpete to buy steel bowl gift items to give to our visitors on our housewarming day.

After giving invitation cards, we noticed we bought some shortage… so we had to go again.


Today I wanted to share one of the real stories that recently happened with our neighbourer house.

They recently built a house.

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