Yesterday, we bought again another set of “wardrobe oval pipe end supports.”

This is a clamp that is installed inside the wardrobe for holding steel pipe. The pipe where you hang your shirts on it.

Our wall drop guy installed all plastic support to hold the pipe. Within a few years, all those plastic supports are broken.

As and when they are breaking, we are replacing them individually, all by ourselves.

This is quite an annoying thing…

All those plastic supports are now being replaced with good quality steel support.

If we had known this thing while assembling time, we could have avoided redoing this work.

That’s why I’m sharing this tip with you.

Never ever install low-quality metal or plastic end support. Clearly inform the wall drop team that you need good quality end support while giving the order.

PS: If you still have not yet started your construction work, then make sure to remember a few points I shared inside my Walldrop guide.