A few days back, I shared my thoughts about FRP cover for sump here.

Within a few days, I came across some bad news related to a similar/same kind of sump cover.

You can watch the live incident here:


A software engineer guy fell inside the open sump and lost his life.

If you look carefully, you will see the sump cover used in the building is an FRP cover or a sump cover that doesn’t have a lock mechanism.

I Hope you now understand the importance of the sump cover locking mechanism. I recommend you to implement a locking system for the sump cover compulsorily.

Another such life-saving tip is shared inside my Railings product.

If you can access the guide, read and implement what I shared.

It’s very common for many users to ignore that step during construction time and realise the mistake after they start using the building…

Here is where you can get access to it:
