How neighbour theft blocks

This afternoon, some sound came.

Out of curiosity, I opened my CCTV visuals on my mobile. I noticed someone taking hallow blocks from next to our building construction spot.

I watched who the guy was… it was none other than the neighbour’s house.

They took only two blocks to make some sitting arrangements outside their house.

Interestingly, they have their own hallow block right next to their building. But they didn’t use their blocks…

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8 BESCOM Staff did a Building Inspection

At 8 pm, around 8 BESCOM person came to our new building for our Building inspection.

Once your building is complete, when you apply for a Permanent electricity connection, they will do a spot inspection before you get approved.

It didn’t happen in our first building. But it did happen for our second building.

The reason could be…

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The Right way of choosing an Electrical contractor

While building our first building, we learned some lessons the really hard way.

One such lesson is hiring the wrong electrical contractor.

When we hired the wrong electrical contractor, we not only faced issues with electrical work in our building.

But we also faced an issue getting the final permanent connection from the electricity department.

After completing our building work, we waited 2 to 3 months for a permanent connection.

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Meter Reader Praising our Meter Box Setup

After taking the permanent connection a meter reader came to our new building to take readings.

I was there right next to him.

While he was taking the meter readings, he had to open the meter box and noticed our setup of the meter box.

He said, “Sir, nicely and properly done meter box setup.

Me “Ya… my dad is an electrical engineer itself”, so it’s his plan.

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If you delay applying temporary connection…

This happened to us in our second building.

We informed our electrical contractor that we need a temporary connection as we will start the construction work.

Our contractor told let’s wait some more days.

He told us like that to save money for us… because the earthwork takes time, so let’s manage like that as he informed.

He also told me he would manage if anyone from the BESCOM department came.

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