Painter Fell into our Sump (video available)

Today while our painter was doing their work, one of the painters accidentally fell inside our sump.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened. Only his leg got little hurt…  and he was in shock for some time.

He is completely inside the sump…

While falling inside the sump, he held the sump opening by his hand so he didn’t completely go inside the sump.

Immediately two other painters lifted him upside.

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Don’t make this Inverter mistake

Yesterday, my brother and I were filling distilled water to our inverter battery.

That time I remembered what mistake I could have made if I placed an inverter inside our house.

If it’s for rental property, then it’s ok.

If it’s for your own house, I don’t recommend keeping the Inverter setup inside your house.

There are various reasons behind it.

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How did this guy get scammed out of $82,000 by a Contractor

I subscribed to many email newsletters by marketers that I love learning from.

A few days back, one guy shared his story of getting scammed out of $82,000 by a contractor.

This guy is not from India, so the currency is in dollars.

Even though this story is from a different country, I believe this is relevant here as well.

This guy paid a contractor $82K to construct a 30% pool in his house.

The contractor collected the payment and just disappeared.

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His Electrical contractors feels like a fraud…

Today I got a comment on my temporary electricity connection article.

Below is the exact comment:

How much does it cost to make permanent connection from Temporary connection taken while construction of the house..

Our new contractor from this layout is telling us to Pay 2 lakhs rupees which includes NOC 800000 and rest all amount for DD and connection itseems.

I feel he is fraud.

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Our Ground Floor RCC Slab Could Have Collapsed

The day before yesterday, while I was reading a book on my Kindle at 1 Am, suddenly, one picture came to my mind.

Our ground floor RCC slab/mold could have collapsed during molding day due to a centering/shuttering mistake.

As soon I remembered this incident, that time I learned how I could not have shared this story yet? So here I’m sharing that real incident.

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My wife suddenly started scolding the fan.

I just entered the room.

While my wife is making my 1.6-year daughter sleep.

She suddenly saw the fan and said, “Idiot fan… air not all coming here,” kind of world she shouted in the Kannada language.

Me… while standing outside the cot started explaining why you were not getting air there in your place and explained what our electrical contractor did mistake that time.

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