I started sharing my internet connection…

We have rental units in both buildings. Each building contains 8+8 spacious 1 Bhk units.

All our tenants are college students.

While building both houses, I properly planned and did networking for both buildings.

While doing this, I didn’t plan on offering internet to all the tenants in our building.

But still, I did the network setup. Because in future we cannot do so.

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Things you should keep in mind for CCTV setup

If you plan to use CCTV in your house now or later, here is something you should keep in mind.

To enjoy CCTV benefits to their fullest extent, you must plan and adopt a few tech stuff. They are…

1) Have a wired network connection to CCTV DVR

2) Don’t use a Wireless network unless you don’t have wired network options

3) If you need to watch LIVE CCTV visuals from different locations, then you need to have internet connections at home as well as user who need to see visuals

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Regarding our Smart Home Attempt

During our first house construction time, I wasn’t aware of the smart home and IOT concept yet.

But one thing I’m sure of is… having a proper network should be set up for our entire house.

So with my networking knowledge, I implemented the networking concept for the full building.

Due to good broadband speed… I learned the smart home concept online and implemented some automation in our first house.

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RMC vs Site Mixing Concrete – Why we went with Site Mixing?

Site Mixing Concrete during RCC Molding

A few days back, one of our customers asked about RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) vs. Manual/Site mix concrete for RCC molding.

He asked for my input or what we opted for in our building. I quickly replied to his email about what we opted for and why. I thought many of you might have same questions in your head.

And today I’m in the mood to talk about this topic.

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Our Ground Floor RCC Slab Could Have Collapsed

The day before yesterday, while I was reading a book on my Kindle at 1 Am, suddenly, one picture came to my mind.

Our ground floor RCC slab/mold could have collapsed during molding day due to a centering/shuttering mistake.

As soon I remembered this incident, that time I learned how I could not have shared this story yet? So here I’m sharing that real incident.

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Electrical contractor work is still pending even after receiving 5 months of Electricity Bill

Today at 9:30Am, Me, My dad and my bro all sitting in the hall and talking about some random stuff.

Suddenly some scooty horn came. My dad informed me to check who…

Without checking, I informed some of our tenant’s friends and continued our chat.

Our electrical contractor slowly came and stood in front of the door.

I suddenly called him to come inside and arranged a chair to sit on.

I ask asked our contractor, what’s the update Auncle?

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