How did this guy get scammed out of $82,000 by a Contractor

I subscribed to many email newsletters by marketers that I love learning from.

A few days back, one guy shared his story of getting scammed out of $82,000 by a contractor.

This guy is not from India, so the currency is in dollars.

Even though this story is from a different country, I believe this is relevant here as well.

This guy paid a contractor $82K to construct a 30% pool in his house.

The contractor collected the payment and just disappeared.

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Molding Tips During the Rainy Season

A few days back, near our one construction house did their RCC molding. It was rainy time…

Sometimes you may also want to do your RCC molding during rainy times.

If that is the case, then what I recommend is…

Know when it usually rains.

Usually, rain comes during a specific time of the day in every area. It could be early morning or afternoon or in the evening.

Here in bangalore I always notice rain usually comes after 1PM onwards.

If that’s the case, then you can ask your building contractor to arrange a molding gang to set up their equipment on the previous day itself.

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RMC vs Site Mixing Concrete – Why we went with Site Mixing?

Site Mixing Concrete during RCC Molding

A few days back, one of our customers asked about RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) vs. Manual/Site mix concrete for RCC molding.

He asked for my input or what we opted for in our building. I quickly replied to his email about what we opted for and why. I thought many of you might have same questions in your head.

And today I’m in the mood to talk about this topic.

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Avoid Overhead Tank Water Overflow Issue

For the past 1 week, I didn’t send any mail, the reason is… our family went to some functions in different places so it took almost 4 to 5 days to come back to my Home.

The journey was like Home -> function place 1 -> home town -> function place 2 -> Back to Home.

After coming back, I took a few more day’s rest.

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