Bigger Main Gate = Bigger Problems Later

Me and my younger brother going on a bike to get a rental agreement for our rental property. He was driving… and I was sitting in the back seat.

I saw the new construction building installed a Main Gate.

I wouldn’t have sent this email if it was a normal gate.

The gate height and width is like – 8 Feet. If you saw any film actor’s privacy gate, it looks similar but contains some design.

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New Building Buying Cement in Autos

Near our house, two new construction work is going on. I can clearly see those constructions from my building.

In that, one building owner is an EXPERIENCED house constructor. The reason is the new building he is constructing is his 3rd House.

He is not a professional builder.

He is just like us. All those buildings are owned by his family itself. In that one building, they recently sold for around 1.75cr. So they used that fund, bought a new site, and doing a new construction near our house.

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When MS fabricators come, don’t forget to do this

When you start your MS fabrication work on your building, do all kinds of small tasks you may need. 

Example: Valve operating handle, which you need for your sump to ON/OFF the valve.

They usually do this type of small task when they are doing bulk work without any additional price. But if you went fabricator shop separately to get that valve operating handle, they will charge separately.

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What you Train them is what they do

I didn’t get a better title idea than the above title, so I’m going with it.

Anyway, my point is. I already shared such an incident recently. Again I had another such incident keep happening—here is the story about it. 

We had one house construction labor from our building contractor. We prefer him for any kind of cleaning job. He does the cleaning job Perfectly, so we tell our contractor to send him only.

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Started renting new building

98% of our new building work is complete now. It’s still not fully done yet, but we finished things that are required to give it for rent.

Only outside work like – color painting, MS fabrication work, and road work are the few currently pending in the new building. But we still started to give it for rent instead of waiting for the House Warming function to get over.

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Why Having Proof is Imporatant during House Construction

Our granite contractor got a call from his previous customer saying.. “our friend wants to install parking tiles in their parking area. Can you go and do the work”? 

He asked about the location, and after hearing it, he said – sir, it’s too far from my place. If possible, try other contractors like he informed them.

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