
Yesterday, for some reason, I got to see so much content related to Trust. So, I decided to share today’s email about Trust.

While building your house, you should not rely on the TRUST factor more. It would help if you always thought about the Give and Take policy.

It could go wrong if you trust any service provider with your Money or work-related stuff more than necessary.

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Problem of not having a strong WiFi signal

I opend my CCTV app on my phone and when I try to view cameras visuals… visuals open and suddenly stop showing.

This is some new issue I started facing in my new building. The reason is low WiFi signal. 

As it’s a new building, I haven’t done full proper networking setup. All the ports in my networking switch is already used. If I need to add more Wifi router, I need buy new network switch.

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Do you really need a Bigger House?

Yesterday, my wife was saying “No… we don’t want this much of Big House.”

She is not telling this yesterday… she has been repeating this statement for a few days.

We recently finished the housewarming function of our new house, and now we need to use our new house for at least 48 days for ourselves.

We already have another house right next to the same building, so this building is added extra now.

For me, it makes no difference.

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Good Locks for your House

When we selected interlocks for our first building, we picked Europa locks due to their brand name and key size.

Those small interlock key features made us go with Europa locks, then.

Would you love to have a Bulk key or a Small key?

We already have good experience in holding those old bulk interlock keys… This small key made a lot of difference in holding it, so we went with Europa keys.

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When one of our CCTV cameras didn’t work

A few days back, my brother and I installed CCTV cameras that we bought during this Amazon big billion sale.

Installation was also over.

When we switched on the DVR, we noticed out of 10 cameras, 3 cameras were not working.

Again, my brother attempted to fix the issue; out of those 3 cameras, 2 started working, and 1 camera had some issues.

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item req’d from building contractor for housewarming function

We recently finished our housewarming function.

I remembered one point I need to mention in the Building contractor guide.

You need these items from your building contractor till the housewarming function is over.

Sometimes, your contractor takes these items as soon as the work is over if you don’t ask them to keep them.

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