Few days back we met our first cement supplier when we went to vegetable shopping there.

He started speaking to my dad and asking “why you are no longer doing business with us.”

For your information, he not only sells cement and steel. He also has shamiyana and light items as well. Usually, for any of our functions, we used to order from his shop earlier.

After realising the cement price difference between his shop and another secret shop, we stopped buying cement, steel and shamiana items from his shop.

We felt a little upset paying that much price difference for a long time.

My dad didn’t reply. He kept quiet, showing a cool attitude to avoid hurting his feelings.

I’m not like my dad.

I’m kind of straightforward. I explained why we stopped buying cement and other items from him.

He knew the reason already by guess. But he never heard directly from us.

Without hesitation, I told the facts, saying, “For your regular customer, you are selling cement at 15 to 30 rupees costlier than the other supplier.”

We also asked you if you are ready to give any discount on cement—that day. You said NO.

The same day, we bought cement from another seller for 20 cheaper. I replied.

To which.. he answered.

No nearby shops could have given a price lower than ours. Maybe some sellers sell without a bill and all…

That could be true. I didn’t argue with him.

Oneway, he is right. None of the nearby cement sellers didn’t come close to my secret cement seller pricing.

I checked many times. That fact is true.

It’s almost 1.5 years since we stopped doing business with him. Imagine if he is now asking us the reason.

We still need to buy some of the items he sells, like Shamiyana.

I guess he doesn’t want to miss good customers and orders from us.

So he is still asking why we moved to regain the customer.

Anyway. That’s how we paid almost 15 to 25 rs extra per cement bag for both buildings until almost the end of our construction when we found this new secret cement supplier.

Who knows, you might also be making the same mistake.

I shared how you can find such cement suppliers in your area in my Cement Pricing Secret guide.

Give it a try… if it works, you will save a lot!

To know more, visit the below link:


P K Arun