I’m back from my wife’s hometown function today.

While I was there, I met lots of our relatives. I felt good speaking to some of our relatives.

While going to have food, one of our relatives started conservation related to constructing their rental property near their home and showed me the building plan.

I didn’t see the building plan properly because it looks small on his mobile. Instead, I simply asked a few questions about their construction and the contract terms he made with his building contractor.

It was a quick discussion.

He informed me it’s a labour contract and ₹32,000 per Chadura.

I asked what about the labour payment. He replied –

Mason – ₹1,000

Male Helper – ₹600

Female Helper – ₹500

This construction work is going on in Tiptur. I don’t know the current labour payment going in that place.

If the same labour payment is going on in that place, then there is no issue. If they are paying more, then it’s a mistake.

I shared this concept in my building contractor guide at 1.9 section. Read and understand how this actually works.

And I also guided him you shouldn’t take per chadura cost seriously. But you should always frame the contract at the market rate. Not above the market rate.

I couldn’t discuss more about his construction as food serving started, and we had to finish our food in time like all the other users. It’s a challenging task for me. I’m learning that skill these days. So, I stopped talking to our relative and focused on eating :)


I don’t think building construction will be completed within the contract budget. It rarely happens…

Instead, get an estimation from an experienced engineer. He can properly estimate your house construction budget based on your needs.

I got a very accurate estimation from my engineer.

If you need a little in-depth understanding about how to structure a deal with your building contractor, contract terms you need to include in the agreement, and a few tips you need to know to stop wasting money and many more things.

If you need to learn all those from my experience, click on the below link to know more:
