How not to get an extra work monthly once

Today, outside my home office window, I noticed that a construction building made two mistakes related to the meterbox.

So I opened my Electrical Work Guide to check if I mentioned that point or not…

When I searched, I noticed one point had already been added, but no images had been added, and another point had not been added. Now that also mentioned.

I went back to my second building, took a photo of the mistake they made, and added it to the document in the 5.53 section (redownload again to see updated content).

By the way, this is not their first building.

They recently built one beautiful house on the same road with great care. However, as soon as they entered the house, they sold the building within a few months.

That building not even completed 1 year.

I already written about it earlier. If you are interested in learning more, please visit this article.

Whatever mistake they make now will cause extra work for them monthly once they enter the house this time.

By this, I can conclude that just having construction experience is not enough to identify mistakes. We need to have an extra eye and thinking knowledge.

One way you can improve your ability to identify such mistakes is by reading the guides that I have written.

It’s not an encyclopedia.

It’s a simple guide with straightforward concepts shared with images wherever applicable.


pain after housewarming function

Yesterday, while going through my email inbox, I came across an email with the subject line “Pain”.

I remembered one incident in our first building when I saw the word pain.

It happened when all the construction work was over, and we shifted from a rental property to a brand-new house.

Usually, once the housewarming function is over, it’s recommended that someone stay in the brand-new house.

That’s a kind of tradition we follow. I’m not sure about others…

So, we started shifting all the items on the same day, and I also helped with the shifting process.

I stand on the staircase, and when someone gives me an item from below me, I take and pass that item to the next person.

While doing this type of shifting, I noticed no pain that time…

Once all the shifting was done, whenever I walked for a longer period or in any hilly area, I started noticing some strange pain in one leg.

That pain still has not left me.

When I put more strain on my legs, I feel that pain again, or else I won’t notice that pain at all…

After thinking about why and how it happened, I noticed it happened only after shifting from rental property to our house.

That day, it seemed I put more stress on one of my legs than it could handle.

Whatever weight I used to lift while standing on the staircase put a load on that one leg.

Don’t make similar mistakes to what I did on that day.

Use labourers to shift the materials and monitor them on both buildings at shifting times.

You spend a little on labour charges, but you take care of your health. Which is way more important than anything else.


PS: I shared some of the lessons that I learned after doing housewarming function inside my Housewarming guide.

Plinth beam work is going on but same parking mistake

Today, my brother and I were going on my bike to bring estamp paper to make a rental agreement for our tenants.

While going, I took the internal route so I could see new construction works.

In my area, lots of construction work is going on… so anywhere I look, there is always some construction activity.

Buildings are built and are sold like fast-moving food in a hotel.

Anyway, while going, I saw a new house with plinth beam work going on. When I saw it, I noticed a terrible mistake any new owners make.

I don’t understand if it’s the owner’s or, builder’s or engineer’s mistake.

Most of them make this mistake. Mostly unknowingly. That’s what I assume.

From my point of view, at least the building contractor could have fixed or suggested the mistake to the homeowners once.

For some reason, this is not happening. Mostly, it’s not the contractor’s job to make you understand future problems.

It’s your responsibility to know the ins and outs of a building.

I’m doing my job in alerting and guiding you….

If you don’t want to commit the same sin done by many other users, tap on Parking Horror Guide and avoid making the same mistake as others.

More similar mistakes on this topic are shared on the below link if you need to explore more on this:


a shady laptop battery seller

The day before yesterday, my brother and I ordered a laptop battery for his laptop.

We ordered from a nearby local shop as no proper battery was available on the Amazon site.

Most don’t keep stock of the exact laptop battery model, so we need to book to get a product by paying in advance.

We booked by paying a full advance of ₹3,000, and the battery was delivered the next day.

Went and collected the battery.

When we returned home and tried charging it, it was not working.

When we properly checked the box and battery, we found that it was a very old and rejected battery they gave in a box.

No proper seal… they closed the battery box with brown tape instead of a company sticker.

The manually written date on the battery shows 6 months before the date.

We got suspicious, so we immediately went to the shop and enquired. The shop owner is arguing with us and telling some random story.

No issues.

Our main complaint is the battery is not charging and not working.

We showed him.

He also tried a few things and told sometimes the laptop may have issues. I will order a replacement battery tomorrow; if that also doesn’t work, you need to check your laptop for any issues, as he started telling me.

We… who had already paid in full advance, started feeling like something was wrong.

Luckily, we have another laptop (mine) battery that fits the laptop, and its laptop is charging well.

Without informing him, we took that laptop battery to show him if he said it was a laptop issue.

This time, the replacement battery came with all original seals and the latest date on the battery.

As soon as we saw it, we learned that it was going to work. When we installed it, it started working.

No more drama in the shop. Thankfully, our issue was solved easily.

We didn’t bother arguing with the shop owner about the first battery being rejected one.

This is the first time we tried buying a laptop battery. So, we learned some lessons, and we will not make the same mistake again.

Similarly, while doing your house construction the first time, home builders make many more mistakes unknowingly…

I shared all my learnings, mistakes, suggestions, etc., inside my guides.

If this interests you, then my HCG All-Access Pass is something you can learn from my mistakes.


Ugly electrical boxes in the beam/wall

A few days back, all our family members attended our relatives weddings.

In one marriage, we had to stay in the rooms available in the function building.

It’s quite a good and a new marriage hall, to say.

We got 3 room keys for our family. In one room, I noticed something that happened in our first building.

That is, some unskilled electrician did the electrical work on that building, which affected the finishing look of the room.

I wish I could have taken some images of that spot.

Anyway, the same thing happened in our first building as well.

We unknowingly hired some unskilled electrician to do the electrical work. Because of this result, the same kind of issues also happened in multiple locations in our first building.

Hiring cheap or unskilled labourers always costs more than skilled labour.

The first building’s electricians used many more electrical materials, like pipes, wires, etc., than our second building’s skilled electricians.

It’s not just about the money…

Those unskilled electricians put electrical boxes in beams/walls, etc., which cannot be hidden. We have a few such spots in our first building.

I initially thought that our first building electrical contractor was the only one who was unskilled to do such electrical work.

I felt wrong after seeing the similar work in that room.

So, I just added another point inside the Electrical work guide regarding How to Pick the Right Electrical Contractor in the 1.5 section.

Go through that point, see the image, read the tip, and follow all the instructions while picking an electrical contractor for your building.

Not all contractors/labourers do the same standard work. Keep that in mind.

Choosing the right contractor is very important to get a quality output in your house construction.


rent not getting paid for 6 months+

Today my mom brother came to our house. While discussing, I generally speak about business stuff more…

While speaking with them, I asked how their rental property was doing. 

They shared that our saree weaving business is down, so our tenants staying at our rental property are not paying rent.

Most of their tenants are labourers of saree weaving, and when saree is not in demand, owners also stop power looms. So, labourers don’t have work, and they don’t get paid.

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My Friend Dont Park His Car

We reached around 2 am Bangalore from the Rameshwarm trip. That time, we took our friend’s vehicle, and he also came with us.

He knows how to drive his car. He is not an expert, but he drives his car.

But the funny thing is my friend doesn’t park his SUV inside his house parking space. 🙂

He needs an expert driver to park…

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My Rameswaram Trip Experience

Last week I went on a Rameshwarm trip. Few back I’m back to my home. After taking enough breaks, I’m writing this email.

This trip is a pretty new experience for me.

I went on some trips… Most are day trips or local trips organised by someone who knows the place.

This time, it’s a completely different experience.

All of us are pretty new to the places we visited. We took our own vehicle driven by my brother.

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Worst Fan Company

After fixing one of the tenant’s fan issues recently, I decided to share the incident below.

At the end of our house construction, we went to buy a ceiling fan for our rental property.

We shop for all our construction-related products in the hardware shop we went to. Me and my dad simply asked the shop owner which brand fan we would buy like…

He suggested some well-known brands, and I checked online to see that the product got a 40K+ rating on Flipkart, so I ordered around 26 fans of that brand.

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