Planning to start your house construction soon, and this is the first house you plan to build?

Then, the chances of making a mistakes will be high.

After building two houses in Bangalore, I understood a few things and made many mistakes. Some of the mistakes are learned the hard way…

I don’t want you to make a similar mistake in your house construction journey.

Most users build only one house, and they don’t realise some simple and common house construction mistakes while building their houses.

Once they start using their house, they start realising their mistake. But when they realise their mistake, it’s already late…

If they want to fix mistakes later, you again need to spend extra money, time and headache, and in some cases those mistakes you cannot even fix such mistakes.

That’s why I decided to share my personal house construction mistakes in written guides so you can read and understand and avoid all my mistakes at the time of your house construction.

By following my guides you will reduce some construction mistakes, avoid headaches, and save money by learning from my mistakes.

These are small guides written purely from my experience after constructing 2 houses in Bangalore.

Not all ideas that I shared inside may be applicable/work for you. But most of them are applicable. Even 1 or 2 ideas are worth all the cost that you paid.

Please keep this in mind. I’m not a Civil engineer… I’m just a casual user who built 2 houses in Bangalore using the labour contract method.

I wrote these guides purely from personal experience.

If you expect Engineer-level technical content, you should not buy these guide.

I believe every user building their house for the first time should get these guides.

If you are relying just on your engineer or building contractor for all these small ideas I shared in these guides, then you are making a big mistake.

The reason is…

They don’t care about your building as much as you. You are the one who is responsible for knowing and executing these things in your building.

This bundle will help you…

  • Avoid few first-time house construction mistakes

  • Dealing with contractor guide

  • Common mistakes to avoid during construction

  • Things you commonly miss during the first construction

  • Best practices & suggestions you need to take care of

  • Tips to avoid having issues with contractors

  • Framing contract tips

  • Save money and headaches knowing some common mistakes

…and so much more!

Published Guides:

1) Cement Pricing Secrets

So you are constructing your dream house and want to order Cement. Then, read this page before you order Cement again.


Because you may unknowingly be paying ₹5 to ₹25 more prices for each cement bag every time you order Cement from your local cement shop.

We (Me & my Dad) come to know about this fact later.. at the end of our house construction, and you’re lucky because if you read this guide and apply the method, you could save Money immediately!

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2) House Construction Tracking System

House construction Tracking System is a way I discovered to track everything while constructing your house.

Why tracking?

Because we don’t want to face issues with contractors while working with them. If we properly track everything, you won’t face problems with your contractors.

When we built the first house, we learned a lot of lessons.

One such lesson is, Tracking Everything related to House Construction Activity.

Although we tracked a few things in our first house, when the problem arrived, we realized what stupid mistakes we made.

We realized all such mistakes at finishing time, and we had no other option besides dealing with the contractors calmly.

One such incident was on our first building when all the electrical work was done, and while doing his final settlement, he demanded more than the discussed amount.

We had some verbal fights that day, and at the time, our contractor asked only one thing - “What proof do you have?”

hmm… Yes, on that day, we didn’t have any Proof.

In this guide I’m going to share some of the best practices you need to do prevent issues with your contactors.

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3) Bulk Name Numerology Calculator

If you believe in Numerology and want to follow the numerology concept to name your new building, then with the help of my Bulk Name Numerology Calculator, you can easily find names that match your lucky number easily.

In this guide, I also included a bonus section explaining how you can easily find your lucky number for free.

The bulk name numerology calculator allows you to calculate name numerology in bulk in an Excel sheet.

All you need to do is, enter names or copy-paste names that you need to check the sum of letters in numerology, and our Excel sheet will display the result in one column.

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4) Electrical Work Guide

In this Electrical Work Guide, I will share everything you need to know about Electrical work for the new building, picking a good electrical contractor, things you need to remember, tips, etc., in this guide.

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5) During Molding Time

During our ground floor molding time, something suddenly went wrong with centering stuff, which could have spoiled our full ground floor mold. Luckily we noticed the problem and acted upon it immediately. In this mini-report, I will share everything I learned on that day and how you can prevent such issues.

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6) Internet Everywhere

In this guide you will learn the right way to take the Internet to every corner of your house so that all your devices are connected to wifi with fulll signal and experience better Internet speed.

When we built our house, the one thing I was very much focused on was… Having an internet connection in every corner of our house.

The reason is, My business is Internet Marketing. This means - for me to work, I need to have Internet everywhere. So I’m focused on implementing internet/wifi everywhere in our building.

Whether I stay inside or on the terrace, I planned to get the Internet instantly if I need it.

Initially, I planned to have Internet only for my work and convenience.

But nowadays, I realize what a good decision I took to implement Internet at all locations in our building.

Because these days, any modern device you take supports wifi. You will lose many features of the device that supports wifi and you don’t have a proper wifi signal there.

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7) Our House Construction Expenses

Interested in knowing how much we spent on our house construction and where we spent it?

If that’s your answer is YES. Then this is something for you.

In this product, I will give access to my Google sheet expenses trackers that I maintained for our house construction.

It took me 3 years to prepare this data.

This is Real data.

It contains almost 98% of the expenses we spent on our second house construction with item level price breakup in the Google sheet, so if you need to check a particular price, you can easily search to find its prices in minutes.

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8) Sump Construction Guide 

Before you build your sump, I recommend everyone go through this guide to know some of the best practices and tips every new house builder needs to follow.

This is based on my personal experience.

If you are a first-time building the Sump, this guide will help properly point out all those important points you need to remember.

When we built our first Sump, we made some mistakes—at the time of building, no one guided us about those important points.

Day by day, we slowly started noticing our mistake on our Sump. If you don’t want to make such mistakes, this sump construction guide will help you.

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9) Toilet Door Privacy Issue 

Read this guide if you plan to install PVC or WPC toilet doors in your house.

There is a privacy issue with these door types and how you can prevent those.

You can only implement this step before Plastering work for a permanent solution. If plastering is over, you can also implement a good temporary solution.

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10) Buying Msand, Jelly Like a Pro

This guide is not about quality checking. Instead, this guide is all about buying Msand and Jelly without taking much stress.

If you are someone who is manually visiting to buy Msand and jelly every time you need it, then this guide will help you to avoid all such stress.

This is the same mistake that we made in our first building. But for the second building, we learned many things, changed our buying method, and saved a lot of stress. 

If you are first time building your house, then this guide could possibly change how you buy Msand and Jelly.

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11) Our House Construction Images

I’m sharing our house construction images here to help first-time house builders.

Usually, the ground floor construction steps are completely different than constructing 1st and above floor.

You are familiar with the construction process once your ground floor RCC work is done.

Most of the images I’m sharing here are ground floor work itself.

This folder contains 1500+ images. 

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12) Building Contractor Guide

In this Building Contractor Guide, I will share everything you need to know about a building contractor & his work scop.

Things like- 

  1. Picking a good building/labour contractor

  2. Our building labour contractor contract terms

  3. How I would fix a contract terms knowing what I know now

  4. What are all the points you need to keep in a contract terms

  5. Payment structure, tips, and more.

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13) Housewarming Function

In this Housewarming function guide, I will share a few things you need to know about buying gifts, clothes and some other general things you need to remember to arrange a Housewarming function.

I will share everything I know and things you need to keep in mind from before starting the Housewarming function to finishing the function successfully.

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14) Parking Horror

Don’t make this common parking mistake made by many new users. It’s very important to remember this point while doing your house foundation work.

Don’t think it’s just a parking space.

Nope. It’s different.

If you make this mistake, you will feel the pain after all the house construction work is done and when you start using your parking space.

Fortunately, I was able to feel the pain while I was staying in the rental property. If I hadn’t noticed that issue, I wouldn’t have implemented that tip while building our house.

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15) Railings

It’s an important stuff about SS hand railings (not just applicable to SS).

Most of the owners ignore this on their building unknowingly due to lack of preparation it is required during construction time…

It’s a simple and straightforward guide.

This can only be implemented if you read this guide before starting plastering work.

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16) Rainy Days

Things should take care during construction to avoid problem you face while raining.

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17) Walldrop

If you are going to install Plywood walldrop, then read this mini report at the time of your house construction to avoid important mistake that we did in our house.

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18) Front Elevation

This guide only applies to users planning to build more than G+1 floors in their building and that building has a front elevation in it.

Some buildings don’t have front elevation designs for one or the other reasons. For such buildings, this guide won’t be helpful…

This is a common mistake many new building users make.

We did this in our 1st and 2nd building.

When we realised our mistake while building the 2nd building’s front elevation, we tried to fix the mistake in our next, which was on our 1st building reconstruction, which we did after finishing the 2nd building work. We fixed that mistake with the help of our building contractor.

Many don’t even realise this mistake until they start working on their front elevation. Which is always done at the ending stage of their house construction.

When they realise they won’t be able to do anything. It’s already late.

That’s why I wrote this guide. To prevent such issues.

I shared that mistake and some suggestions on what you can do to avoid that mistake in your building.

If you read and understand this mistake early, you can avoid this issue in your building.

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19) Revenue Site Loan by Brokers

This happened to us during the construction of our first house.

This incident usually happens to Revenue site owners who take Loan through some brokers. This doesn’t mean other users may not face this issue… chances are there.

It could rarely happen for other users.

I recommend all users go through this short guide once to be aware of the trick played by Loan brokers.

We easily lost a few thousand rupees by this trick from our Loan broker.

We realised this while constructing our second building.

If you don’t use brokers to take Loan, don’t worry about this guide. It won’t affect you in any way.

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20) AC Guide

Constructing a new House and want to take care of every minute aspects and best practices for AC Performance?

Here is a guide written for new house construction users by someone who made all the mistakes in our two buildings.

This guide was written after I installed the AC in my home and learned practically all my mistakes. I wish I could know at the time of our house construction.

Buy only if you are in the construction phase, not after that.

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21) Outdoor Lights Automation

In this Outdoor Light Automation guide, you will learn what you need to take care of when your house is being constructed to automate a few/all outdoor lights without spending more money on the setup.

By following this guide, you will not just implement what I teach. You will also future-proof the setup to easily change any type of automation device in future without much work.

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22) Main Door Design

In this guide, you will learn one of the important concepts you must remember when choosing a main door design to avoid issues in your main door for the rest of your life.

Ignore this tip; you will need to do your door maintenance work once a few years.

I will explain one very important concept you must remember when ordering ready-made doors or custom-made doors.

I explained this concept with live images that happened in our own house so you can avoid making this stupid mistake.

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23) Water Pressure - Right way to get Good Water Pressure in Construction Buildings

In this guide, you will learn some important points that you need to remember during your house construction to get good pressure water on all floors and in all taps.

Most owners never even think about the Water Pressure concept at the time of planning or at the time of house construction. (Did you think before reading this?? )

They realise the water pressure issue only when they start using the house. Until then, they don’t know what it is and how it affects their building.

In my Water Pressure Guide I’m sharing everything I know about improving water pressure in construction buildings.

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24) Not Yet Started?

In this guide, I will share our house construction story. The thing we were not aware of… One of our dad’s friends guided us by taking his example and how long it took to start our house construction.

Our dad’s friend’s story helped us start our house construction journey sooner than we thought. Maybe our house construction story could help someone as well…

So, I wrote this guide.

If you are brand new like us, this guide could enlighten you a little bit, and you could also start yours soon.

I’m not guaranteeing anything.

If you have not yet started your own house construction for some reason, this story could help you get started.

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