A Foot Care Tip for all house construction users

Today, around 4PM, I casually spoke with the opposite house aunty. The topic is diabetes…

While speaking, they shared one incident that I want to share here.

She is explaining how one of our neighbour’s aunty who had diabetes got hurt during their house construction and how long it took to cure the infection, & how it happened.

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How to Lose Lakhs of Rupees in Few Hours

Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to lose a few days of hard work and lakhs of rupees during House Construction time? Then read on…

My parents and my wife went to our relative’s engagement on Friday. They went to Bus. On the way, my dad noticed one building’s ground floor RCC and the wall was bent.

He told RCC that it was almost touching the ground because it was that much bend…

I asked did you take a Photo?

He replied, “No, How can I take a Photo on a moving bus.”

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First Time House Construction Users Make Mistakes

I strongly believe that “everyone makes mistakes in their first house construction”.

I did it…

Many of my dad’s friends did the same in their new building.

There is another instance I noticed recently near my house. Right in front of my home office window, one building construction is happening…

I didn’t understand who the owner of that building was for a few days.

Now that the building’s ground floor moulding is over, I see one guy coming daily for RCC curing.

RCC curing is the only curing that is easy to do in-house construction. I guess that’s why the owner is coming for curing nowadays 😄


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House Construction Expenses Excel Sheet

Some users planning to start house construction are searching “house construction expenses excel sheet’.

If you look at Google results, you will see a lot of fancy Google Sheets/Excel sheet templates designed to track house construction expenses.

Tip: If you are interested in knowing our detailed house construction expenses, then visit here.

I tried a few of them, but they are not designed for real house construction users.

Some are not even relevant to the Indian market.

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How this contractor stop work at the ending stage of construction

Yesterday, I shared about one contractor’s real incident that happened near our building.

I promised to share about this contractor story today… So, I’m writing this blog post.

This contractor’s house is near our area. And he did a few projects here.

One good thing about this contractor is that he always asks for low contract prices compared to the market rate.

So, people looking for a cheap contractor go with this contractor.

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A farm house in a village

This morning, I got an email from one of our reader. Below is his email:


Your emails are too good.

Any experience with regards to building a house in a large plot / sort of a farm house in a village?

Landscaping plans, planning trees, laying pipes for watering, motor, long Distance electricals and fence. What kind of irrigation for scattered plants. How to make a dry land a bit green with shades,
What kind of well options


Vxxx Hxxx

Your emails are too good.

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Before Renovating Old Village House read this

A few days back I went to our village house. I haven’t shared that house story yet.

Maybe this story could help someone who has an old house and wants to do Renovation work.

When my dad was about to retire, he decided to go and settle in his hometown. He got an old house after a property partition happened between both brothers.

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Comment on Reader Turnkey Project

Yesterday, one of our readers sent me a rough draft of their Turnkey Contract budget and their terms and conditions.

It’s a 5-page document.

Our reader asked me to review the draft once and give my feedback on it.

It’s too much work for me to do. Still, I decided to give my feedback on it.

He also specifically asked about the construction cost estimation.

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