Why Having Proof is Imporatant during House Construction

Our granite contractor got a call from his previous customer saying.. “our friend wants to install parking tiles in their parking area. Can you go and do the work”? 

He asked about the location, and after hearing it, he said – sir, it’s too far from my place. If possible, try other contractors like he informed them.

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Giving Material Contract to Friends

Yesterday our family went to one of my dad’s friends house warming ceremony. 

Many of his friends came, and that event became like a get-together event for my dad and his friends. 

My dad enjoyed that function by seeing all his old friends. 

While my dad and his friends were having a conversation, one of his friends said he wanted to construct his house, so he usually started asking for some suggestions from us.

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During Festival Time… Things to Keep in Mind

cement price during festival time

If anytime big festival comes and there are few things happen during your house construction time.

1) shortage of labor

2) work will stop

3) prices will go up


Not for all festivals it happens. But during some BIG FESTIVALS, then those issues will occur.

For example, let’s consider “Ayudha Puja,” which happened on 4th Oct 2022 in Karnataka. 

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Stainless Steel Railing Price Tricks by SS Contractors

Although this is our (me and my dad) second construction experience.. We are still making a silly mistake. After learning from our mistakes, we laugh by murmuring to each other.

Today, the MS Work contractor noticed one such mistake while our second building’s main gate installation work was going on.

Here’s our conversation with him:

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