how to plan during rainy days

Today it’s raining here…

If you are constructing your house during rain, it causes a lot of disturbance, especially during plastering time.

I remembered one of my personal incidents during rain. Due to limited knowledge, we did not plan properly during the construction of our first building. 

We were simply going with the standard construction flow.

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went extra mile in securing materials at a best price

The guy who contacted me a few days ago on the phone who is going to start his house construction soon is smart.


He does many extra things that most homeowners don’t get such an idea for the first time.

He has done a lot of groundwork on securing important house construction items at a much cheaper price. 

When he called me, he discussed how to find such suppliers, what their minimum order requirement is, and the price he will get, etc. on the short call.

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A Foot Care Tip for all house construction users

Today, around 4PM, I casually spoke with the opposite house aunty. The topic is diabetes…

While speaking, they shared one incident that I want to share here.

She is explaining how one of our neighbour’s aunty who had diabetes got hurt during their house construction and how long it took to cure the infection, & how it happened.

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Seller directly quoted double the price

At the end of our house construction stage, we went to buy drainage slabs.

Me and my dad went to shop for it…

The problem is that only one seller is selling the type of slab we are looking to buy in our area.

He doesn’t have any competitors for that product. So we got no chance to ask for prices from different shops.

When we asked the price, the seller quoted a price.

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When you buy less quantity

When we went to the housewarming function shopping, we bought window and door curtains from Chikkapete.

My dad roughly calculated the required curtains, and we bought only that many.

We didn’t put those bought curtains immediately…

We thought after the function we would put it as we postponed it.

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