Sump cover installation mistake

Yesterday I was not feeling well, so I went to the clinic with my brother.

This is a small clinic but a very popular one. Within one day, regular diseases will get cured (personal experience).

To this day, this doctor charging only ₹50 has his consulting fee… and that too in Bangalore city.

The only problem is the waiting time. Minimum 1 hr we need to wait.

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If you delay applying temporary connection…

This happened to us in our second building.

We informed our electrical contractor that we need a temporary connection as we will start the construction work.

Our contractor told let’s wait some more days.

He told us like that to save money for us… because the earthwork takes time, so let’s manage like that as he informed.

He also told me he would manage if anyone from the BESCOM department came.

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Bigger Vehicle Problem

A brick unloader vehicle came backside our house.

It’s a bigger vehicle.

While returning, the vehicle damaged another house drainage stone.

Immediately house owner’s wife and neighbour’s ladies gang came and did a spot inspection ?

The construction house owner’s son and vehicle driver were both where staying there. 

The owner’s wife called the owner’s son and told him in a good way about the damage.

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While spending, keep this in mind

One important thing I recommend you to keep in mind is that until plastering work is over you don’t need more money.

The real picture starts during the finishing time of your building.

If in case you thought…

We still have plenty of money left and start spending on expensive things. Then you may end up with a problem during finishing time.

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DP Switch story

One of our tenant’s DP switches was not working, so we asked him to bring a new switch to replace it.

He went to store and bought it immediately.

I asked him how much it cost. He replied ₹185.

Within 3 days, we also bought the same switch for ₹123—no bargain… nothing.

We bought only 6 switches, so definitely, it’s not bulk order pricing.

Then why the price is so big difference?

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