My Friends Dad Daily Task

One of my friend’s houses is near our house.

I used to see this friend’s house from our house until now. Another construction work is going on between our buildings, so I cannot see their house these days.

After dinner, when I come from the first house to the second house through the back door, I notice one thing in my friend’s house on most days.

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My Story Behind Outdoor Light Automation

I realised this problem after having our own house. Until we had our own house, we used to stay in the rental property and never have to worry about outdoor lights.

In most cases, the owner takes care of that. In some cases, no one ON the outdoor lights.

Life goes without worrying about homeowners’ problems 🙂

Then we had our first house; that time, our house was on the first floor. Every day we need to turn on/off the parking lights.

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A Foot Care Tip for all house construction users

Today, around 4PM, I casually spoke with the opposite house aunty. The topic is diabetes…

While speaking, they shared one incident that I want to share here.

She is explaining how one of our neighbour’s aunty who had diabetes got hurt during their house construction and how long it took to cure the infection, & how it happened.

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