Smooth Wooden Finish – a Conversation with my Brother

My brother and I talked a few days back about How new labourers made smoothing finishing to wooden frames, which we didn’t know about earlier.

Until a few days back, we were unaware that painter’s task involves these things and that they can do those smooth finishing work for wooden frames.

Our 1st painting contractor stopped working on our building due to personal problems.

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Painter Fell into our Sump (video available)

Today while our painter was doing their work, one of the painters accidentally fell inside our sump.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened. Only his leg got little hurt…  and he was in shock for some time.

He is completely inside the sump…

While falling inside the sump, he held the sump opening by his hand so he didn’t completely go inside the sump.

Immediately two other painters lifted him upside.

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Today We Painted Our Opposite House Gate and Grills.

Yesterday we finished our front elevation painting work.

We waited a few months to stop raining.

It’s almost rained daily or day after day. So we couldn’t able to start painting work till now.

We only have front elevation painting work pending.

If rain comes, all 3 labourers don’t have any work.

Paint and Labour payments will be wasted… so we had no choice apart from waiting this long.

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