When JCB sound starts…

Before bringing JCB to do any work, I have a small tip to share.

Inform the JCB operator to follow only your instructions and not all the visitors.

The reason?

In some cases, if you bring a JCB to do your task, neighbours sometimes ask you or a JCB guy to do the cleaning work here and there.

You cannot say No in front of them. You cannot say Yes also…

Some use such instances very well.

They don’t pay for using such a service. They just want to use free service when you bring a JCB vehicle.

It depends on the place and people near your site. This doesn’t happen in all places.

Just sharing so you are aware of it.

Today, I added one more important and a money-saving tip to the Building Contractor Guide. If you have not yet done your earthwork, read the tip in section 4.68 (46th page).


Engineer measurement to easy to understand way

When your engineer gives your building plan, they give it on paper containing dimensions, which usually cannot be felt in most cases.

If you want to experience room dimensions live practically, what I recommend is…

Ask labourers to build one course of masonry (one bricklayer) according to the engineer’s plan during construction time. Now, go and walk and feel physically to experience the room’s size live.

If you find something you need to change, make changes and experience first. If you feel good, then proceed with the remaining construction/masonry work.

Don’t make changes too much after construction work is already done.

It’s simply a waste of materials and labour charges.

Keep in mind you cannot make changes however you need. You can only change in some areas, not all the places.

The reason is that the engineer plans pillars and beams where required. You cannot move walls randomly…

If you are in doubt, you can always ask the building contractor or engineer before making changes. They will tell if it can be done without issue or not.

When we checked the room size like this, we made our hall a little bigger than the engineer’s plan without affecting any load issues.

Not only that…

We made some minor alterations here and there without affecting the engineering plan too much.

If you need to get such ideas, you must do this one brick construction and experience and think in that spot.

The more family members, contractors, friends present on that day, better the idea you can get.

There is no better suggestion than this tip to experience room sizes.

Most important, valuable, and common mistakes realted to construction are shared in my building contractor guide.

These mistakes are like make once, and suffer longer time kind of…


How this contractor stop work at the ending stage of construction

Yesterday, I shared about one contractor’s real incident that happened near our building.

I promised to share about this contractor story today… So, I’m writing this blog post.

This contractor’s house is near our area. And he did a few projects here.

One good thing about this contractor is that he always asks for low contract prices compared to the market rate.

So, people looking for a cheap contractor go with this contractor.

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one cement bag gone?

Yesterday, after lunch, I was returning from our first house to the second house through the backside door.

I guess the time was around 3:30pm…

When I came to my home office, I noticed something strange near the house construction spot from my window.

Two guys came by scooty, and the building contractor put one cement bag on that scooty.

That time, the owner was not there…

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don’t take it seriously about per chadura rate — informed my relative

I’m back from my wife’s hometown function today.

While I was there, I met lots of our relatives. I felt good speaking to some of our relatives.

While going to have food, one of our relatives started conservation related to constructing their rental property near their home and showed me the building plan.

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Our rainy day issue

This incident happened in our first building. Our construction work is over. We also moved to our new building…

Everything is going well until the rainy season starts. 

When the rain started, we noticed some mistakes but didn’t take them seriously. 

As days passed, we repeatedly did the same problem-fixing task. We thought we could have used some of our brains at that moment.

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This rainy days issue they have been trying to fix for the past few years

Last Sunday all our family members went to my brother’s wife’s home.

In their house, I have one favourite place to spend my time. It’s in the first-floor sit-out area where one single-seater swing is installed.

I love to spend most of the time there because of the natural ventilation, and I love playing with that swing chair…

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