How Material Suppliers Cheat

When you are doing your house construction lot of contractors, labours do lot of things if you are not aware of the possible scam that can happen with you.

I recently came across one such video on my facebook account. I thought to share this video so you will be aware of such incidents.

Here is the video link:

In the above video you can see how labours dumping only 75% of the sand and taking remaining 25% with them…

Just by doing such thing owner easily lost more than ₹2,000+ on the load.

Most owner simply trust of labours which is something wrong if you ask me. Some labours misuse such things and cheat like this.

When any material comes make sure you physically present on the location and take count properly.

I mysef shared few similar incident which I saw live near my home. See below articles:

How Hollow Blocks Unloader Cheat

How Cement Unloaders Cheat Customers

This is small incident. More such important lessons I personal noticed are shared inside my products. Just by being aware of such things you greatly decrease your house construction budget.

If want to learn my costruction mistakes, you can headover to this page to access all my costruction mistakes.

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