Do you accept international payments?

A few days back, I got an email from one of our readers requesting any way to buy my “All-Access Pass” package.

Here is the below email:


 Hi Arun,

I have looked at your website It is interesting and seems, it will be useful for home construction project I am planning by end of this year in India. I am currently in USA, and looking to get your complete package and see if it is useful for my complete planning & execution. Do you a way to buy this with credit card online or PayPal, as I do not have any Indian bank account or wallets to pay with?

Let me know if you can provide the option. I am reachable at +1***-***-***5 on phone or WhatsApp.


To answer that question, Yes. I can accept International payments.

I currently offer a PayPal payment mode, but it will be a little costlier than the price displayed on the webpage.

The reason is…

It’s cost extra for me.

Paypal charges are slightly higher, and the currency conversion rate is slightly lower than the current market rate, so I charge a little extra.

If any of the users are in abroad and planning to buy my courses, you can always reach me by replying to this email. I can offer payment details.

This customer already bought my “All-Access Pass” package.

The right time to buy my products is before starting your house construction work. So you can learn a lot and save money and headaches during house construction.

What is the right time to start your house construction work?

When the rainy season ends and you have a good date to start.

We started both of our buildings in November and December Month.

During those months, the rainy season is over, which is perfect weather for doing house construction work.

If you still not yet picked your building contractor, then I recommend you to read what I shared inside my Building Contractor Guide and then Pick your contractor.

I shared lot of things many new users usually not aware of those stuff. 

Here is where you can get them:

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