Yesterday, for some reason, I got to see so much content related to Trust. So, I decided to share today’s email about Trust.

While building your house, you should not rely on the TRUST factor more. It would help if you always thought about the Give and Take policy.

It could go wrong if you trust any service provider with your Money or work-related stuff more than necessary.

Always be the “first product, then take money” mindset.

Never pay any advance without seeing their physical office/shop at any cost.

Especially with the Stainless steel railing and sliding windows team. Who always comes to your building, tries to offer service, and closes the deal right before you.

These are big-ticket items. Never make the mistake of trusting them on the spot.

Need to make payment? Visit the physical office and pay there if you find everything ok.

Are you not feeling comfortable? Tell them I will inform you later and run away.

They come to your building, quote a little less than the market price, and request an advance to start the work.

Don’t think you will have a mobile number to reach them after making the payment.

If you pay the advance amount, few of them no longer receive your call…

And now… You will lose your sleep because of trusting them.

Always… ask them to work first before paying any advance amount.

I know one of my dad’s friends. They are very strict about this rule when it comes to Money.

First work, then payment.

Whatever may be the condition, they don’t violate that rule.

I recommend you also be as rigid as them while constructing your house. Never assume you can trust someone with your Money.

P K Arun

PS: More such common mistakes that I learned are shared inside my products.