Seller directly quoted double the price

At the end of our house construction stage, we went to buy drainage slabs.

Me and my dad went to shop for it…

The problem is that only one seller is selling the type of slab we are looking to buy in our area.

He doesn’t have any competitors for that product. So we got no chance to ask for prices from different shops.

When we asked the price, the seller quoted a price.

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When you buy less quantity

When we went to the housewarming function shopping, we bought window and door curtains from Chikkapete.

My dad roughly calculated the required curtains, and we bought only that many.

We didn’t put those bought curtains immediately…

We thought after the function we would put it as we postponed it.

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Another new house, the same preparation

It’s 5:52 PM. I came from our Old house to a new house to write some content for my house construction blog.

While coming back, I noticed another house was almost ready. Now, labourers were preparing the Parking area.


I can see the same mistake from my house’s backside itself… the mistake made by countless new house owners without realising it.

Once all the work is done, and when they start using the house, they will realise the mistake.

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Listen to the store owner’s suggestion?

When you trust the store owner, you may ask his opinion about the product or product quality…

That’s normal.

Is it a good practice?

If you ask my opinion… You can ask their opinion if you need to. You should also keep one point in mind…

Not all sellers genuinely recommend the right product to You. The reason is the Commission.

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Another good reason why I love Europa locks

All our tenants are college students. If you are a landlord and handle college students, you may be aware of the consequence of giving property to bachelors.

This is common to us, and we don’t stress much about damages…

Recently, one room student lost one Europa main door key. Any loss will always be collected from those tenants.

We charged a little and ordered a duplicate key from the Europa website.

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discussion with cook for non-veg food

Today, I called a cook to our house to discuss about preparing non-veg food for our housewarming function visitors and house construction labours .

Some house owners arrange non-veg food after the housewarming function, and some skip this.

People who arrange they will do it after 1 or 2 months after doing pooja in their new house. As some owners avoid eating non-veg food for some days after performing homa’s.

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I tried guiding my Dad’s friend parking mistake

My dad’s friend started their house construction right behind our house.

It’s visible from our home. When I noticed the same parking issue they were making, I decided to guide them about this mistake.

Instead of going and telling them the problem, I informed my dad to visit and requested to inform them the consequences of the mistake they were making.

Both their son and uncle listened to my dad’s FREE advice.

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