Wrong way to make payment 

I’m sending this email from my village… I came here for a village festival which happens once a year, every year. 

It’s a grand festival most of them will gather for this festival from different places. 

It’s FUN to meet everyone. 

One of my and my dad’s good friends is constructing his house in our village. He took our dad to his construction house to ask if anything he was missing. 

After seeing the house, both came to our House for a general discussion about his house construction.

While discussing with him, I casually asked him about the payment structure for the building construction contractor.

He said, “It’s not weekly payment. We pay as and when he asks money“. He said the total contract is 7 lakh, and we already paid him around 6 lakhs. 

Only construction work is complete now. Plastering, front elevation, finishing work, etc., is still pending. 

The contractor almost collected all the cash upfront before finishing the work. 

This is a common mistake people make while making a contract with Building Construction Contractor. 

This is not the right way to structure the contract. 

The reason is… once all the cash is collected upfront, do you think they will do the remaining work without asking for money?

No… not at all.

They say it didn’t work out.. and ask for more cash to do the remaining task, or they will STOP the construction work there itself.

In villages, I guess those kinds of issues don’t usually happen as everyone knows everybody. Cheating in villages happens rarely.

But in the city limit?

It’s different.

My only tip is

Always pay payment only based on a number of LABOURER’s WORK, not to pay in bulk on a total agreed amount. 

And my other tip’s on dealing with contractors is explained in detail with my house construction tracking system. 

Get it to protect yourself.


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