Why you shouldn’t sell empty cement bag

While constructing the house, every time molding was over, one aged guy with a child would come near our construction building and ask if we had any empty cement available for sale?

Me and My dad… we always used to sell some excess empty bags by keeping some with us to those guys.

If I’m not wrong, the guy used to buy each bag for around ₹0.60 per bag. After counting empty bags, this guy used to pay around ₹120 to ₹150 each time he bought.

Initially, we were happy and gave it to him.

The same thing continues for 2 molds.

Suddenly we realized we needed more empty cement bags for our construction work like — material shifting, filling waste materials, keeping plastering sand inside the bag during the rainy season, and for multiple other purpose.

Sometimes laborers even complained due to fewer or no empty cement bags to us.

The amount you get from selling is not even worth the time wasted searching for those empty bags when required.

That’s when we start realizing what a dumb mistake selling empty cement bags for a cheap price.

Never Ever Sell
Empty Cement Bags

After realizing our mistake, we stopped selling cement bags to them, and we always kept any empty bags in the construction building or inside the shed.

If you keep bags outside for longer, then bags will lose strength and won’t be able to use for material shifting. So… always keep inside when possible.

Always remember… If anyone came asking for cement bags, avoid selling them.

Sometimes your laborers take one or two bags to their home, that’s ok.

But don’t sell them until all your work is over.

You should SELL…

You should sell those bags after all your construction work is over. That is, when you enter your house or after house warming function is over.

Till that time, you will require empty cement bags for one or the other reason. So please DON’T SELL THEM.

Instead of making money by selling those empty bags, I recommend saving money while buying cement bags itself.

You can save more when you buy… than what you get by selling those empty bags.

Here is what one of the customers said after quickly going through the guide:

also i have purchased your e book.good job in drafting the book

Here is how you can do that:


P K Arun

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