This common electrical mistake cost him 6 lakhs

While our construction work was ongoing, one incident happened near our building.

The building is a double building (similar to ours)… owner did wiring to his building, and he removed the security guard from his job for some reason.

The security guy left the job from that building.

Within a few days, the owner lost 6 lakh worth of electrical wire from the building ?

The lost Wire was never recovered. 

No…  it’s not done by the security guy.

Theft is Pretty “COMMON” in new buildings.

It’s a common mistake many new house owners make without knowing — what, why, and how it happens.

My dad also advised similar to the above building owner’s thinking.

My dad said nothing would happen do the wiring to our building like he told me… but I never listened to his word in this case.

Because if we assume that the loss to the building owner will be in lakhs.

I was not ready to take a chance in this matter. 

No matter how often he told me, I never listened to his words. I just stuck to my rules and followed my plan.

The same incident happened to the
other 2 nearby buildings 

One is my dad’s friend’s building, which is behind ours. And another near to our building.

In both cases, the same story.

My dad’s friend lost a few thousand rupees in wires.

And in another building, the owner caught the thieves while trying to steal wires. The owner locked the gate and hit the thieves on the head with a stick.

Due to bleeding from thieves head… owner admitted the thieves to the hospital and left the case there.

In the second case, the owner has to do the rewiring again.. as thieves had already pulled some cables.

My dad realized his mistake 

When theft happened to my dad’s friend building… that’s when my dad realized what a mistake he could have made if I had followed his advice ?

Within a few days, he got another similar story (head injury case).  

After listing those stories… I started teasing my dad regarding his decisions.

Never do This Mistake

If you know what I was talking about, strictly implement what you understood (if you really).

In my Electrical Work Guide… I discussed this issue with some *possible solutions that could prevent such issues in your building.

I’m not going to give a 100% solution.

But, if you follow my guide and tips, I shared over there… you COULD prevent such issues from happening (refer to 5.28).

My mini-guide doesn’t contain only this tip. There are so many good electrical ideas which are worth implementing in your building.

Learn More Here:

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