Visited our relative’s Gruha Pravesh (reconstruction one)

Today, I visited our relative’s house, Gruha Pravesh, which is near ours.

This is a reconstruction work.

Initially, they had the Ground floor and 1st floor.

The owner used to stay on the ground floor, and the 1st floor is for rent.

Now they felt the ground floor space was not sufficient, so they decided to do reconstruction work on top of the 2nd and 3rd floors with the duplex house.

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discussion with cook for non-veg food

Today, I called a cook to our house to discuss about preparing non-veg food for our housewarming function visitors and house construction labours .

Some house owners arrange non-veg food after the housewarming function, and some skip this.

People who arrange they will do it after 1 or 2 months after doing pooja in their new house. As some owners avoid eating non-veg food for some days after performing homa’s.

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House Warming Invitation Card Printing

Yesterday we gave our invitation card to the graphic shop near my house.

When I took the card, the staff guy in the shop immediately said No, we don’t do invitation card printing.

Still… I know the owner. I asked where is the owner. He replied he had not yet come.

Ok. I will keep the cards here. Once the owner comes, let me know, as I informed and left.

After some time, I returned to the shop to speak to the owner.

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