Electrical contractor work is still pending even after receiving 5 months of Electricity Bill

Today at 9:30Am, Me, My dad and my bro all sitting in the hall and talking about some random stuff.

Suddenly some scooty horn came. My dad informed me to check who…

Without checking, I informed some of our tenant’s friends and continued our chat.

Our electrical contractor slowly came and stood in front of the door.

I suddenly called him to come inside and arranged a chair to sit on.

I ask asked our contractor, what’s the update Auncle?

He replied, “All the office pending work, whatever is remaining, can be done by this month’s end.”

Me… Ya, I know everything can be done in the office.

It’s almost 5 months over!

We already received almost 5 months’ electricity bills in our home, but some office work is still pending.

Did you know it could happen to you as well? How to make them come to you instead of you going behind them? 

We learned and implemented This big lesson in our first building in the second building. So now, our contractor only coming to us and updating the status.

I’m sure he will do the office work as well.

His SON said

I asked his son, who handles the office work, to do the same for him.

But after taking some days, he replied — “it’s not possible to do now.”

Now there is no such option to do in the software like he is lying to me.

I know he lying because I know how the process work and why he said NO to me.

I didn’t discuss much with him.

I did know

I directly asked Auncle to do this pending office work and asked me to update me once the work is over.

And here is the status update with YES.

(after 5 months, because he is not feeling well)

Work is still not yet done.

Instead of Not Possible, now I got the reply saying It’s Possible!

So all of a sudden, the same task is possible? how?

I’m dam sure they will do the work now… because I have some control over them. I learned how to handle contractors from my first building experience.

That’s why they are still listening to me.

That’s why the task that said not possible has suddenly become possible.

Isn’t it great?

He is a GOOD contractor.

I have no complaint about our contractor. He is a really good contractor. Still, he said NO at first. But now it become Possible.


If you know In and Out of the tasks, you can get it done like how I have done.

If you don’t know anything, then you have to listen what they tell.

Moreover, you need to know how to control till all the work is really over or else who will listen to your words without extra ₹₹₹₹ obviously?

  • If you need to know what all the office work will be pending even after receiving your electricity bills
  • How to get it done by your contractor
  • How to control contractors till they really finish your work

If you read and implement my electrical work guide, it will be possible for you as well to do the same.

Atleast, it worked for me.

If not, you will run behind the government officers to do the task yourself like I did in our first building.

Learn all those in the electrical work guide here (refer to 4.9, 5.56, 5.57,5.58)

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