Parking mistake…

Today, I was going on a bike to withdraw cash to give to our maid. I was watching houses while going…

I don’t understand one thing.

That thing I’m not going to reveal here. It’s precious and important, which is not worth revealing here.

It’s reserved for our Paid members.

Of all the houses I watched, only very few followed the tip on my mind.

This is one of the stupidest mistakes any new house builder will make.

To avoid this mistake, you should plan while doing earthwork… or before visiting your engineer to ask for building design.

In most cases, You cannot fix this issue later.

I want to share a few solid, real stories about this Topic. I will share in upcoming emails…

Today, I saw someone else brand new house…

Same mistake.

While coming back, I met a friend and stopped bike there. I noticed their brand new house… Again, the same mistake.

This is something to do with the “Parking”. Don’t even think it’s a parking space.

No. It’s not related to space. It’s something different.

It’s very important if you ask me. At least for me…

I’m going to start writing on this Topic soon. This is a simple tip, but I will charge a premium price.

Because if you make this mistake, you suffer a lot later.

It’s coming soon.

Topic title?

“Parking Horror”

Or something similar, I will name it.

Till then, keep thinking what it should be about ?

– Arun

PS: All Access Pass Holders always get any future products for free. You can learn more about it here After every product I release, I raise the price. The faster you buy, the more you will save.

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