I Miss This Thing for My Daughter

Yesterday, while I was going from my Home office (second building) to our first building on the back side door, I noticed something behind our house.

That is, neighbour kids were playing on a cloth swing in front of their house on the first floor…

All those kids were laughing too loud, and it got my attention.

Suddenly, I thought I needed to do the same in our house so our kids could play.

My daughter especially loves playing in the swing.

I immediately went outside our first building and checked for any hooks we left to tie cloth to make similar swing arrangement.

I noticed we did leave the hook, but not in the right position.

Even if we tried to put a knot on that hook, our kids couldn’t play properly.

I felt a little bit disappointed.

If I left hook, I could have made arrangements for our kids to play.

Anyway, I missed my chance.

When constructing yours, you can keep this point in mind so your or future generation kids can enjoy it if they need it later.

Making provisions during construction time is something I recommend.

We could also make such an arrangement by drilling holes, but it would be much better if we did it at the time of our house construction itself.

It’s just 10 minutes of work if we keep the hook while RCC molding time. The hook that we kept in RCC holds very strongly. Which is a permanent solution.

See, no matter how much experience we have, we still make mistakes during construction or forget something. Which we discover only when we need to.

I shared many such things inside my products. I recommend the HCG All-Access Pass if you want to learn about all such small things during your house’s construction.

I added this tip inside my Building Contractor Guide with Photos. Please refer to the 4.65 section for more details and implemention idea.

I missed my chance to make a swing arrangement for my daughter. At least you could make use of this tip.

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