how to plan during rainy days

Today it’s raining here…

If you are constructing your house during rain, it causes a lot of disturbance, especially during plastering time.

I remembered one of my personal incidents during rain. Due to limited knowledge, we did not plan properly during the construction of our first building. 

We were simply going with the standard construction flow.

During the rainy season, our first building outside plastering came. We didn’t bother much…

As labourers were using tarpal while plastering, I thought it was ok not to worry much.

No… this is the wrong way of thinking. 

Users who have limited experience in construction do like this. 

No matter what you use to protect outside plastering from rain, the chances of damage will be higher. 

It’s a material and labour waste if it gets damaged.

Moreover, tying the tarpal is itself a time-consuming process. If the wind is more severe, then whatever tarpal you are using will also get damaged. No doubt about it.

We learned this lesson during the construction of our first building. 

We properly planned and started construction work when we started our second building.

During rainy times, we intentionally kept some work inside the house, so if it rains, we do some housework that isn’t affected by rain.

If we don’t have much work, we would reduce the labour or stop the work on such days. 

By planning and doing work like this, you also avoid labour and material waste.

We especially avoided doing any kind of outside plastering on rainy days.

You can make use of Weather reports and plan ahead.

Your contractors and engineers don’t guide this type of tip. Unless you explicitly ask.

One such important thing every new house construction user needs to remember is shared inside my rainy day’s guide.

Most never think from such an angle during the construction of their building. They will realise their mistakes when it rains…

If you want to learn from my mistakes, visit Rainy Days to learn more


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