Parking mistake real video footage added

This Saturday, I met my Dad friend’s son in front of our house.

I informed him about parking his car elsewhere; I could not tolerate seeing his brand-new car spoiling due to sunlight.

He understood my concern and told – Yes, I’m aware of the issue. I already noticed some car paint damaged.

This conservation happened in the morning, and he took immediate action in the evening.

He decided to park his car inside his parking space.

Till now, after 1st attempt, he never bothered to park his car inside his parking space due to the common mistake he also made in his parking space.

During house construction time, we tried to alert his mistake…

To respect our words, he made only 30% of the changes and kept 70% of the changes intact by discussing them with his engineer.

Unfortunately, his inexperienced engineer also said there was no need to make changes ?

They parked their cars in an opposite site in the open sunlight for many months. It’s damaging his car paint…

When we told them again, he tried to park the car. I got a practical video footage I took this time for our Members. I shared it in the Parking Horror Guide.

You can see yourself and what could go wrong to make such a mistake. How many of them make such stupid mistakes in their houses.

That night when, my dad, my 2-year-old daughter and my dad’s friend went to walk, I asked finally, your son parked the car inside.

That time, auncle replied — He struggled too much and went on explaining how they felt…

I replied we informed you that during construction time itself, you didn’t listen to us.

He nodded his head slowly and said yes.

I shared everything you need to know in my Parking Horror Guide.

If you have access, please visit the Example section (5.5) and check the Video footage to practically see the intensity of the mistake yourself and avoid making it in your house.

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