₹2,78,760 Saved by Following this One Tip

Today, I got up at 5:30 Am, which rarely happens.

I read one chapter on a copywriting book and turned on my desktop to start my regular online work.

As it’s an early morning without any disturbance, I decided to create a few simple image ads to start advertising my Building Contractor Guide.

I took one important tip and created a Facebook image ad.

It’s a very valuable tip, but in that guide, I explained that concept in only a few lines.

Which buyers can easily ignore, or that point may go unnoticed.

I don’t want that to happen.

Because, if they properly implement that tip… They could save a lot.

Which is what I needed.

I need to help as many customers as possible by guiding them correctly as much as possible.

So, I decided to do something about that tip.

From this afternoon onwards, I was working on expanding the concept so readers can understand it and its importance easily.

Just understanding is not enough…

They need to implement this in their building to actually save.

So, to take them seriously, I took our second building’s real details and showed all the calculations of how this tip helped save money in our case.

After some calculations, it came to around ₹2,78,760.

Your savings could change depending on your construction budget.

I believe showing the actual number with real data calculation helps users take that tip seriously.

If you have access to the Building Contractor Guide, please download the updated guide (I keep updating, sorry!) to see the tip with real calculation at #3.13.

I also added another tip to safeguard yourself from accidents at 3.16.

If you don’t have access, read more details about my Building Contractor Guide here. If it makes sense, you can purchase it.

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