We made some electrical alterations to our current house.

Last month we were making some changes to our existing house related to some electrical things.

And it’s only for our own house and doesn’t include any of our rental units.

On a rough estimation, it easily cost us more than 15,000 rs on labor costs alone.

These are not any major changes…

These are only small changes which we felt if we had that electrical features would help to make our job easier… some are cosmetic, some are functional, some are mistakes done by our contractor, and a few are structural changes.

Which our old contractor never did.

If we knew all these things while doing our construction work, all these extra work we did now could be done in the same electrical contract terms without costing any extra charges.

At that time, we didn’t know about those things… now, when we started using the house, we felt we needed something here and there.

To make any alternation to the existing thing,
is not an easy Decision.

Now the time has come… as we are doing repainting work for our old house, and more than that… we got an Awesome electrician this time who never says “not possible” at all.

If we make those changes now, we can enjoy the result for the rest of our life.

Although it’s a somewhat costly decision, we chose it.

We didn’t make all the changes we felt we needed because not all those changes are worth doing now due to the Alteration cost and risk of doing it.

So we only went with the things that impact our lifestyle at an affordable alteration budget and are easy to do.

Finally, I’m very happy with the result.

Now our family and I are enjoying those minor electrical changes in our daily life.

I recommend planning well in

I highly recommend everyone Plan well… think about what you need and what changes could help your daily life. 

Please discuss with your family members regarding this, observe in different places, etc., and guide your electrician on your requirements in the construction phase.

If you implement your requirement in the construction phase, you could finish it in ₹10 instead of ₹100 for making the same changes after construction work. 

And some changes are not all possible after doing construction.

So Plan well… and Implement in the construction phase, not after that.

If you want to know all such tiny changes, tips, and guides… I recommend you to go through my Electrical Work Guide. I have more than 40+ such good tips to share!

Who knows… any of those points could be worth the entire guide cost. 

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