A ‘wired’ network issue…

From last month onwards, we had a strange network problem in our building (both).

Because of this problem, most of our tenants and we could not connect to our WiFi router.

Anytime we connect, it keeps on disconnecting.

We never had an issue with a wired connection. 

This only happens on our sub-router, which we placed in our tenant’s house (in Access Point mode). In the main router, we never had any such issue. So this is something within our house network and has nothing to do with the internet service provider.

Usually, any kind of network issue happens in our house, I was the one who handled it. 

For some reason, I wasn’t able to fix this problem. All tenants keep on complaining about internet issues. 

This time, I decided to try a professional network engineer to fix this problem, and he also arrived at our house and asked how we did the wiring and how we connected…

I answered.

He also observed and noticed the same and informed everything you have done right. 

He also tried to do some tests by ping and all… and also tried checking wire connections.

He also didn’t understand the problem and tried to call some of his network friends, but their suggestions didn’t help.

He suggested one more solution: changing our unmanaged switch to a managed switch. Which cost around 12K per switch and we need two such switch. 

I’m fine with that solution. But our current switch is going to waste. I still agreed to his suggestion… but he didn’t promise it will 100% fix the problem.

I don’t have any other option, so I’m okay with experimenting with his suggestion.

He left home, informing me I would come next week with a switch.

One day, I got some free time and was playing with different router settings to fix the issue.

While experimenting with the setting, I found something wrong and fixed the setting. Immediately, the WiFi connection and disconnection issue was fixed.

I double-checked whether it really fixed the problem or not. It was fixed immediately….

I called that network engineer and informed them to cancel my switch order, and I paid 1K for just coming to visit our house. 

He also agreed and cancelled my order. 

If he had bought and installed a new switch in our house, it could have cost around 30K just to check…

Thankfully, I got the solution to the problem at the right time.

Now, we need to update the same settings for all the subrouters (which are used in Access point mode). I guess almost 20 routers we need to make changes.

It almost took half a day to make these changes in all routers. 

Now, we have zero issues with our network. 

All users (almost 50+ active devices) use a single internet connection without issue. 

That’s how you should design a network setup when constructing your house. 

Consulting a professional network of engineers is a costly thing.

Most electricians don’t know how to do proper wiring…

If you need internet service in every corner of your house without speed drop, WiFi signal issue, or any router limit, read my Internet Everywhere Guide.

I shared all my practical knowledge… which I implemented in both my building and using it successfully. 

No theory. Only praticle.


I started sharing my internet connection…

We have rental units in both buildings. Each building contains 8+8 spacious 1 Bhk units.

All our tenants are college students.

While building both houses, I properly planned and did networking for both buildings.

While doing this, I didn’t plan on offering internet to all the tenants in our building.

But still, I did the network setup. Because in future we cannot do so.

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I Went to my engineer’s house and noticed this

A few years back, We went to my engineer’s house/office to discuss building planning and design stuff.

He is a popular engineer who used to design even big apartments with swimming pool kind of projects.

He does all this work from his Home office with the help of a few trainee guys.

In his 3-floor building (G+3), his house is on the 1st floor, and his office is on the 3rd floor—the rest of the units he gave for rent.

So, my dad and I went to his office on the 3rd floor one day…

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