Electrical contractors and AC — don’t rely on them

When we were building our first house, we were complete newbies…

We didn’t have many ideas about contractors, labourers, etc.; we simply went with the construction flow.

Luckily, one of our dad’s friends helped in most aspects of our construction.

Everything went well in most cases, apart from the Electrical contractor. We had a lot of issues and verbal fights with the electrical contractor for various reasons.

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AC installation is done — here is what happened

I already hired a private guy to do my AC installation setup who understood the importance of the AC Vacuuming process, even at a higher cost than what I would give for a company installation guy.

Installation was scheduled on Saturday with a private party.

Meanwhile, I also raised a complaint with Panasonic regarding the technician. They also shared a direct contractor guy’s contact number to speak with him this time.

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My New AC installation circus

I recently bought an AC online for my home office. I guess it’s already 6 days over…

Still, installation has not yet been done.

After raising a support ticket yesterday, some technicians came but didn’t bring the AC vacuum pump.

I noticed and asked them.

They said, “we hadn’t bought it”.

I informed them not to install the AC without doing the AC vacuuming process.

They left immediately saying other will come and do. 

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