In this article, I will share all the charges you will pay to install AC and a few things you should be aware of…

In most cases, AC installation is not Free. It’s a chargeable service.

Below are the details of all the costs I paid during my AC installation.

Reason Charges
Installation Charge 1,416
Stand 1,000
Drain Pipe 500
Wrapping Tape for AC 350
Wire 300
Vacuuming Process 500
Total ₹4,066

I’m using Panasonic AC, and the above is what it costs me in my house. These charges will vary depending on your installation location and how well you planned the installation spot during your house construction time.

Here’s the detailed cost breakdown by Panansoic AC installation charges

I was not supposed to pay for the vacuuming process in the above charges. It should be included in the installation charges itself. But most AC technicians don’t do that step by default, so I paid extra to get it done.

Whatever items technicians use during installation are all chargeable and are a little bit more costly than the market price.

Some of you may think about buying required items from the market and giving those items during installation time.

That’s a good idea. But in practice, you should keep the below points in mind as well:

  1. They could reject, saying they are not supposed to use other than company-supplied items

  2. If they use your items, they can again charge extra, saying service charges

Both cases are possible.

That’s why I didn’t buy any items to avoid dealing with them. I only bought an AC Stabilizer outside; technicians don’t usually offer that.

I thought they might not install our stabilizer during AC installation. In our case, our technicians installed it without any extra charge and without arguing.

They have the right to reject stabilizer installation.

Mine AC installation finished in ₹4,000 because I handled all the required things during the house construction properly.

Most users don’t.

So during AC installation, their charges go ₹10,000+, and they complain about where they bought it.

In most cases, it’s not a service engineer problem. The user hasn’t taken care of a few important things during their house construction time. When the AC technician came for installation, they started arguing with the service engineer about costly installation charges.

Open any popular AC on an online shopping site. You will see a few users mentioning their high installation charges.

Suppose you want to avoid paying excess AC installation charges. In that case, I recommend you to understand all the basic requirements and plan properly at the time of your house construction.

If you properly plan during construction time, you can avoid many mistakes you notice during AC installation time.

Go to any popular shopping site, open any popular AC product, and see the review section… You will see how some AC installations look and the common mistakes many users make. You will get some idea… but I’m sure you still miss some insider knowledge by doing this process.

I also learned similarly and learned my mistakes during and after the installation of the AC.

If you don’t want to make such mistakes during your house construction, I shared everything I know and l learned inside my AC Guide.

This guide is only for the user who is constructing a house. Not for someone who has already built their house.

If this is something you are interested you can gain access to the guide at the below URL: