I Noticed Public Lights Using Automation Concept

When I went on the Rameswaram trip, I noticed somewhere in some public lights that they adopted the same concept that I shared inside my outdoor lights automation.


That’s on street lights.

I’m not guiding you street light setup.

That setup is different from our outdoor light automation setup. Only the product is same.

We don’t want to do what they did in public lights. We need to keep design and affordability in mind.

In public lights, they don’t consider any of the Affordability or Design or Our Daily Use case in mind.

Gov’t sponsors money, and they implement one automation unit for every street light…

In our case, it’s not.

We need to sponsor all automation units with our hard-earned money. So, we need to plan and implement in the right way to maximize the use case of each unit. Plus, I shared some advanced strategies required for our daily use cases in our houses.

So, suppose you have no idea about using automation devices, how they work, and the optimized way of implementing them in your house. In that case, I will explain what you must do during house construction in my Outdoor Lights Automation guide.

It’s easy once you know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

If you get bored of turning on/off your outdoor lights at any point, then automating outdoor lights is what I suggest. (if you have never experienced it, it’s a boring task depending on your nature & building.)

I did this in both our buildings, and we no longer turn On or Off any of our outdoor lights. Only in some cases we manually operate lights when too many insects come. Apart from that, it operates on auto mode.

Suppose this is something you need to implement in your construction building. In that case, I recommend the Outdoor Lights Automation guide.

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