Customer Notices Water Pressure Issue

Some time ago, I received an email from one of my customers.

I think now is the time to share that conversation with you all so you can understand what could have happened.

Here’s the conversation on email:


Hi Arun,

Can you suggest a brand and model for water pressure?


For what purpose?


This is for getting water pressure at home for all floors. For getting water pressure in the bathroom and other taps

Based on customer purchase details and email content, I can understand this customer finished his house construction work. When we started using the house, he noticed a water pressure issue.

Imagine you being in the position…

You spent lakhs of rupees and struggled for a few months managing house construction-related tasks. Somehow, you successfully finished all the construction-related tasks. You happily went to your brand new house.

How would you feel when you enter your new house after spending lakhs of rupees and notice a few issues in the building…

The water pressure issue is one of those few issues.

In our daily lives, we always need to deal with water in our houses in one way or another. If water is coming very slowly and you discover it cannot be fixed by natural methods now. How would you feel?

I don’t know about you. I personally feel upset about it.

I don’t bother much if it’s on rental property or an old house. But for a brand new building, when this issue happens, I feel bad… really bad.

I believe that the same could have happened to that customer as well. I’m not sure about it….

Whatever it could be, now the customer is looking for an alternative solution, which is using the Pressure Pump method.

Setting up a pressure pump is an easy task. Obviously, we need to spend money on implementing it. It doesn’t come for free cost…

You should also remember that implementing a pressure pump has disadvantages like recurring electricity bills.

I also heard that using a pressure pump decreases the tap’s life. If you google, you will come across all its disadvantages.

I’m more concerned about recurring electricity bills than any other.

If they had access to my Water Pressure guide and had implemented it seriously during their house construction, they definitely could have avoided looking for a Pressure Pump solution.

My method requires one-time cost and doesn’t involve any recurring maintenance charges like what pressure pumps need.

This is the kind of mistake many first-time house construction users make.

I did. Some of my dad’s friends did…

That’s why I decided to share these kinds of mistakes inside my guides so others could know about them and avoid such mistakes, which they do knowingly or unknowingly… All for a one-time price.

I share all the mistakes and learnings I learned while constructing two buildings inside my member’s area.

If this interests you, then the HCG All-Access Pass is something for you.

With one payment, you get all my learnings inside the member’s area for Lifetime Access.

Choice is yours.

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