Outdoor Lights Automation Coming Soon

This Saturday, we changed our second building’s outdoor light automation from one tech to another.

The previous one was self-made, and it worked fine. In fact, it has many more features than the current setup, but it also comes with many requirements to work.

So we decided to give it a try on this brand new device to make it simpler to operate.

Initially, we followed the straightforward guide mentioned in the device; after using it for a few days, we noticed a lot of disadvantages in using it as is…

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How to Lose Lakhs of Rupees in Few Hours

Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to lose a few days of hard work and lakhs of rupees during House Construction time? Then read on…

My parents and my wife went to our relative’s engagement on Friday. They went to Bus. On the way, my dad noticed one building’s ground floor RCC and the wall was bent.

He told RCC that it was almost touching the ground because it was that much bend…

I asked did you take a Photo?

He replied, “No, How can I take a Photo on a moving bus.”

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First Time House Construction Users Make Mistakes

I strongly believe that “everyone makes mistakes in their first house construction”.

I did it…

Many of my dad’s friends did the same in their new building.

There is another instance I noticed recently near my house. Right in front of my home office window, one building construction is happening…

I didn’t understand who the owner of that building was for a few days.

Now that the building’s ground floor moulding is over, I see one guy coming daily for RCC curing.

RCC curing is the only curing that is easy to do in-house construction. I guess that’s why the owner is coming for curing nowadays 😄


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How to Plan Sump to Avoid Water Scarcity

Yesterday, my dad and my daughter went to his friend’s house, which is the backside of our house.

It is a casual visit. My dad often visits them to spend their free time.

During their visit, Dad’s friend tried calling the water tanker guy from their phone. That time, my dad enquired why the water tanker…

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How busbar helped in solving low voltage issue

When we were staying at the rental property, one incident happened. I explain that real incident so you can understand one useful benefit of having a Busbar in the meter box.

I have my own online business. I was not going anywhere for job. I was just working from my home with my PC and internet connection.

Everything went smoothly until one day, my computer UPS started beeping.

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Customer questions about the electrical system

Got the below question from one of our All-Access Pass Customer:

Hi Arun,

First of all thank you very much for sharing your experience and lessons learned in house construction. I am benefiting a lot after going through your articles.

I am planning to construct a house in Kochi, Kerala. Two floor house for own use. I have a couple of questions about the electrical system.

1. Is Busbar required for home use?

I think you used it because you have different houses for rental. Am I correct ?

2. You have used two electricity meters. May I know why? (Outdoor meter and 3 phase meter)


I am benefiting a lot after going through your articles.

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Electrical contractors and AC — don’t rely on them

When we were building our first house, we were complete newbies…

We didn’t have many ideas about contractors, labourers, etc.; we simply went with the construction flow.

Luckily, one of our dad’s friends helped in most aspects of our construction.

Everything went well in most cases, apart from the Electrical contractor. We had a lot of issues and verbal fights with the electrical contractor for various reasons.

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