Simple Test for Water Pressure Concept

If you are planning to start your construction work, then you might have already planned a few things related to your house construction.

That’s how everyone starts. That’s a good thing only…

I just wanted to know how many of you really planned something related to Water Pressure in your building?

You don’t need to reply to this email… Just think about it yourself and be honest.

To my knowledge, including me during our first building construction, I never thought about the water pressure concept during our planning or construction time. Which includes our engineer and building contractors. No one guided or alerted me about it.

Maybe our engineer could have guided us if I kept paying his consultation charges at every building construction stage. But consulting our engineer is quite a tedious process. We have to pay him ₹300 to ₹500 for every site visit, and on top of it, we need to arrange a car for him to Pick up and drop him at his home.

For this reason, we consulted only a few times during our construction time.

Every time he comes, he gives valuable tips worth his consultation charges… and never gives any free or extra advice. This is how he used to work.

Anyway, I don’t blame anyone.

There are many such things that first-time owners are unaware of during construction time… That’s what I shared inside my guides.

That is a common mistake many first-time home construction users make because of a lack of experience.

I’m not sharing any textbook-level kind of technical content in my guides… If you expect that from my guides, then this is not for you.

I’m just simply sharing practical tips.

Each of the mistakes I shared inside the guide could easily help save headaches and thousands of rupees in fixing such issues.

Ok, coming to the topic. If your answer to the above question is NO, then my Water Pressure guide is something you should make use of

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