Outdoor Lights Automation Doesn’t Cost Much

When it comes to doing any kind of automation in the home, you might think it’s a costly thing and need separate service providers to do that.

On one level, that’s true.

If you are going to use sensors and want to automate inside the house, then you need a different team, and it costs more to implement.

For my Outdoor Light Automation setup, you don’t need such automation experts to implement. You need only electricians to do this task.

I shared my recommended circuit diagram and best practices inside. Just show the diagram to your electrician and inform him to make the connection as per the diagram, and he will do that.

Suppose you prepare an automation environment for outside lights at construction time. In that case, it won’t cost much money to implement whenever you are ready to implement it.

If you didn’t set the environment as I showed in my guide, then it costs more to implement automation for multiple lights and in most cases, it looks ugly setup as well.

Even after preparing an automation environment, you can still use the regular physical switches to operate lights.

When you decide to implement an automation device, that time you can implement and enjoy worry-free lights operation.

It does not cost much to execute this idea.

Follow all the suggestions shared inside my Outdoor light Automation during your house construction time.

All these are learned from my personal use case. It definitely makes your life easier.

If you want to make worry-free outdoor lights operation, head over to:


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