My Friends Dad Daily Task

One of my friend’s houses is near our house.

I used to see this friend’s house from our house until now. Another construction work is going on between our buildings, so I cannot see their house these days.

After dinner, when I come from the first house to the second house through the back door, I notice one thing in my friend’s house on most days.

His father slowly comes down from the first floor just to turn off the light daily.

His father is quite old and a little weak. Still, it’s their daily job to do this task.

I simply feel bad and go inside our house.

This is not just happening only in my friend’s building. It’s happening everywhere. Most house owners don’t have any clue about the solution. They just go with what everybody doing in their building.

I don’t blame them. Because most users build only one house and for everyone it’s a fresh experience. Even if they notice their mistake in their building, there is no way to correct it.

We are lucky in this case.

Even if my friend wanted to automate all their outdoor lights now, it’s not easy.

Because they need to make some of the changes. Setting up such a setup costs time, headache, and money. Which is something difficult to execute after the construction is over. That’s why I don’t recommend it for users whose construction work is over.

For the same work in the construction Phase? It’s easy…

You just need to know what, why and how to do that. That is something I shared inside my Outdoor Light Automation.

Suppose you don’t want to bother operating outdoor lights daily like my friends dad. In that case, I recommend implementing the Outdoor Light Automation concept in your building.

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