Giving Material Contract to Friends

Yesterday our family went to one of my dad’s friends house warming ceremony. 

Many of his friends came, and that event became like a get-together event for my dad and his friends. 

My dad enjoyed that function by seeing all his old friends. 

While my dad and his friends were having a conversation, one of his friends said he wanted to construct his house, so he usually started asking for some suggestions from us.

One of my dad’s friend plan is to “Hire His friend’s Friend” to do his construction contract and that too with Material Contract.

We suggested him not to do business with Friends or within your Relation. If something goes wrong, you will spoil your relationship.

We also told them not to go with the Material Contract as well. 

If you give a Material Contract, in most cases, you will face a lot of disputes between you and the contractor. 

Because you will request better quality items, contractors always say, “it’s out of our scope” kind of response. 

We suggested that before you go with the Material contract route, you better ask a few persons who constructed their house with the Material contract way and how it went with them. We also gave a few of our friends and relatives material contract real-life examples. 

In the Agreement, the Contractor usually mentions the price range of items in construction work. But honestly, they cannot say all the product prices. They can only mention prices for bigger items like granite, tiles, etc., but they fail to mention smaller items. 

And It’s simply not possible to mention everything in the Agreement. 

When work starts, that time all kinds of issues suddenly start appearing. 

We told them that much.. and they used to say ok, ok… to our words. After listening to us they felt like they got to know something which they are not suppossed to do…

When our time came to go for LUNCH.. we both went and had lunch 🙂

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