Fix Curtains Gap

While lying on my bed and scrolling through YouTube shorts, I came across an awesome curtain tip everyone must know.

When I returned to my second home, I took my bedroom curtain and implemented the tip… and it worked!!

Immediately, I started writing this email to share this tip…

I myself needed this tip in my home.

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Electrical Rework for Comfort Issue

On the 14th of this month, we hired our electrician to fix one issue we had been adjusting for several months.

After managing it for a few months, we decided not to adjust and fix that problem.

We hired the same electrician who did our building’s electrical work, so he understands much better about wiring and all…

Moreover, he is an awesome electrician who knows and does only quality work. He never compromises on quality work, no matter who informs him…

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AC installation is done — here is what happened

I already hired a private guy to do my AC installation setup who understood the importance of the AC Vacuuming process, even at a higher cost than what I would give for a company installation guy.

Installation was scheduled on Saturday with a private party.

Meanwhile, I also raised a complaint with Panasonic regarding the technician. They also shared a direct contractor guy’s contact number to speak with him this time.

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My New AC installation circus

I recently bought an AC online for my home office. I guess it’s already 6 days over…

Still, installation has not yet been done.

After raising a support ticket yesterday, some technicians came but didn’t bring the AC vacuum pump.

I noticed and asked them.

They said, “we hadn’t bought it”.

I informed them not to install the AC without doing the AC vacuuming process.

They left immediately saying other will come and do. 

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Tax-paying time for property owners

It’s April. Tax-paying time for property owners.

I informed my brother to see if our municipal office is collecting tax. As this time, no announcement is being made publicly.

My brother took a Notice board photo and sent it to me on WhatsApp. And informed me that due to the election, the office does not collect taxes.

When I checked, I noticed it almost worded like that itself…

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Visited our relative’s Gruha Pravesh (reconstruction one)

Today, I visited our relative’s house, Gruha Pravesh, which is near ours.

This is a reconstruction work.

Initially, they had the Ground floor and 1st floor.

The owner used to stay on the ground floor, and the 1st floor is for rent.

Now they felt the ground floor space was not sufficient, so they decided to do reconstruction work on top of the 2nd and 3rd floors with the duplex house.

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House Construction Expenses Excel Sheet

Some users planning to start house construction are searching “house construction expenses excel sheet’.

If you look at Google results, you will see a lot of fancy Google Sheets/Excel sheet templates designed to track house construction expenses.

Tip: If you are interested in knowing our detailed house construction expenses, then visit here.

I tried a few of them, but they are not designed for real house construction users.

Some are not even relevant to the Indian market.

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What You Can Learn from This Sump Filling Time Difference

Today, I noticed something interesting.

Today, the waterman left water on our line/house. Our sump got full and started overflowing at 12:08PM.

So my dad closed the valve. (We have an automated valve closing in our house. We once removed it, we didn’t put it back. I will talk about that in the Sump Automation Guide)

At 6 PM, our opposite house sump got full and started overflowing. Today, no one was there in their house, so I called our area water man to stop water in our line.

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How this contractor stop work at the ending stage of construction

Yesterday, I shared about one contractor’s real incident that happened near our building.

I promised to share about this contractor story today… So, I’m writing this blog post.

This contractor’s house is near our area. And he did a few projects here.

One good thing about this contractor is that he always asks for low contract prices compared to the market rate.

So, people looking for a cheap contractor go with this contractor.

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