Careless Tenants

In one of our rental units, 500 rs of electricity bill came this month.

But the thing is, no one has stayed in the building for the past 20 days…

Moreover, even if they stay, their electricity bill usually comes to 0 rs because the Karnataka government offers some free units.

The student got suspicious, and we got to know something was wrong.

When the student/tenant was informed regarding the electricity bill issue, we checked to see if the meter reader had taken the wrong reading.

The reading looks correct.

The meter also shows that it is actively consuming electricity.

The tenant not yet returned from home. We asked our tenant permission to check inside the house, and he said ok, go and check like he gave permission.

When checked inside, the Geyser, Fridge, and Wifi router have been running 24*7 for the past 20+ days…

Careless Tenants.

Informed the student and switched off all the devices.

Before returning, I took a photo in that rental unit for another example to check whether the electrical contractor knew his work.

This is a good example that shows how careless electrical contractors who don’t know proper working methods can be easily identified by seeing their other works.

In the electrical contractor guide, I shared that image in section 1.5, example 2.

This issue happened in our first building when we didn’t know how to hire a good electrical contractor.

For the second building, we learned our lesson very well after dealing with this cheap & headache electrical contractor.

We not only learned just choosing a good electrical contractor, we learned a lot from this guy…

Every lesson I learned from this guy in a hard way is shared in my electrical work guide.


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