went extra mile in securing materials at a best price

The guy who contacted me a few days ago on the phone who is going to start his house construction soon is smart.


He does many extra things that most homeowners don’t get such an idea for the first time.

He has done a lot of groundwork on securing important house construction items at a much cheaper price. 

When he called me, he discussed how to find such suppliers, what their minimum order requirement is, and the price he will get, etc. on the short call.

Listing how he executed his plan to find such suppliers is really smart.

Usually, first, first-timer owners never think the way this guy thought.

He mainly explained to me how he found cement and steel suppliers and asked for my suggestions.

I shared my suggestion, to which he agreed as well.

There is a problem with the kind of cement supplier he found out and their minimum order requirement. 

I suggested that guy don’t go with that route to get cement for a cheaper price and explained why. He understood what I was sharing and agreed as well.

Similarly, how this guy went the extra mile in securing construction materials at a better price. I also discovered something strange while constructing our second building.

That strange event led me to discover access to get the same cement at a 15 to 25 rs discount on cement per bag.

I shared How I discovered it, what it is, and how you can try similar things inside my Cement Pricing Secret. 

I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone. I still believe that ideas work everywhere, and everyone can use them. If it works, you save a lot of money on cement. 

Sometimes, thinking outside the box does help in saving the budget on construction.

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