Laying fibre optic cables

BDA acquired many empty land in Bangalore to develop a BDA site.

The project name is “Dr K Shivaram Karanth Layout”. If you watch the news or read the newspaper, you might have heard about it.

After so much opposition from the land owner, BDA finally got a green signal from the court to acquire land.

But on a condition to give alternative sites once the development work is over.

For people who already have houses in those acquired areas (revenue sites) recently, the Supreme Court regularised those buildings built before the notification.

The BDA has also issued regularisation certificates to the owners.

We also lost one of our site for the shivaram karanth layout. This is why you should not leave an empty site in Bangalore. 

As Per the court order, we are waiting for our alternative site.

To check updates on that project, I subscribed to get news about any latest developments.

A few days back, I received news saying what development work is happening in the shivaram karanth layout.

One development that caught my eye is “even laying of optic fibre cables would be done.

If you are unsure what that is about, it’s a cable that transfers high-speed internet from one place to another.

The right way.


If this happens in the private project, I wouldn’t bothered much.

Imagine government-developed sites are taking care of such things…

Isn’t it Awesome?

At least now, the government has realised the importance of good broadband connectivity and implementing necessary infrastructure while building plots.

I’m not sure if you realised that or not.

I recommend you implement proper internet connectivity throughout your building.

No matter whether you are building a single-floor house, duplex house or rental property…

Everyone should have this setup in their house. Whether you use broadband or not.

Your infrastructure should be ready.

If you don’t know how to do that and need a guide on implementing it in your new building, check out:

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