one cement bag gone?

Yesterday, after lunch, I was returning from our first house to the second house through the backside door.

I guess the time was around 3:30pm…

When I came to my home office, I noticed something strange near the house construction spot from my window.

Two guys came by scooty, and the building contractor put one cement bag on that scooty.

That time, the owner was not there…

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A farm house in a village

This morning, I got an email from one of our reader. Below is his email:


Your emails are too good.

Any experience with regards to building a house in a large plot / sort of a farm house in a village?

Landscaping plans, planning trees, laying pipes for watering, motor, long Distance electricals and fence. What kind of irrigation for scattered plants. How to make a dry land a bit green with shades,
What kind of well options


Vxxx Hxxx

Your emails are too good.

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Before Renovating Old Village House read this

A few days back I went to our village house. I haven’t shared that house story yet.

Maybe this story could help someone who has an old house and wants to do Renovation work.

When my dad was about to retire, he decided to go and settle in his hometown. He got an old house after a property partition happened between both brothers.

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Pump safety during construction time

Right from my home office room window, I can see one new building construction work is going…

I may get a few ideas I could share here while watching the construction spot.

The owner is an experienced guy. As far as I know, this is the 3rd or 4th house construction he is doing.

Today, I got one idea when I saw their labourers taking a submersible pump from the sump.

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Bangalore water issue

Bangalore users already started facing water issues.

If you watch the news, you may probably be aware of the issues currently going on in Banglore.

I don’t watch any news. Still, some serious news comes to me.

Anytime summer comes, water scarcity rises, and water tankers’ golden period starts.

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